If you are new entrants marketing, there are certain things that you want to avoid when designing your site. Small things make right at the beginning will save you much time ultimately. This list will help you begin to get the engines of research and in turn find by conduit.
The following list is my own personal experience, building a website and I wish I knew then and choses.Ce is not an exhaustive list, but should act as a good primer.
1. Do not use your domain name for your page title Use instead the rich text keywords separated by || (pipe). Put your most important keywords first. If you want to include your company name and you have remaining characters, he said at the end. Here is an example of a solid page title that includes the name of the company. Plumbing & heating |Emergency |South End Boston | XYZ plumbing company
2 Do not your page and your H1 tag titles radically different. Once you have created your page title, make sure that your URL and your H1 tag align thematically. You do not want to be exactly the same, but sure you give the search engines all information that they need to confirm what is on this page.
3 Do not your meta description and title of your page a mirror of the other image There will be the title of the page on your actual web page. Your page title is primarily for search engines and your meta description is to draw a researcher.
The meta description will be displayed in search engine results from organic search. Think that it your inclination lift for 30 seconds. Why does the researcher to click on your link? Simply, make sure that it is less than 150 characters.
Here is an example of the page title and meta description you would see if you typed HubSpot in the search box.
4 Don't include not the name of another company in your blog URL. Blogging platforms are perfectly good service, but you don't want to not earned your hard SEO credit to resolve itself with anyone but you. It may be difficult to migrate large quantities of blog content after the fact. This means no step to say that it cannot be done, but you save hassles.Make sure that create you a subdomain or subdirectory to the right of the gate.
Blog.HubSpot.com www.hubspot.com/blog are examples of a subdomain and a subdirectory.In this way, you'll get all that goes with creating a killer Blog SEO juice.
5 Use not Flash.Flash is certainly in the research, but search engines cannot read flash.If you have a full flash site in the search engines "spirit," you have a site vierge.Un blank site equals zero indexed pages.Zero indexed pages equals with very little traffic.
We have done a review of a site that uses the week last Flash.There are actually 234 pages, but when run by WebsiteGrader.com, there are no pages indexed by Google.If you want to use flash in some places, use it sparingly.
6 Do not skip the step of implementation implement redirection 301If you do not do this, you split up your credit referencing two different locations.You want www.yourcompany.com yourcompany.com to resolve a domaine.Il takes only a few minutes to do and it will give you points in the eyes of search engines.
7 Do not insert images without telling the search engines as images are.Engines of search cannot say what the images and it seems just as empty space for smart eux.Comme as they are, you must send a little.
There are three ways, you can first used is to use the alt text when you download the photos to describe what is the image in a few descriptive words .Tapez let know the image is on these engines recherche.La second way to help search engines is to use filenames détaillés.enfin, put a caption of the image help too.
Hope this list of tips you a great start with your website u.s. ' there are lessons that I've forgotten, do not hesitate to add them in comments.

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